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Tutqiumaniq Pitqursirput - niriyaksavutlu uvva akkutuq


By Mimirlina


Ingilraan ilatka sanasuuvangniqtuat, sannaiyaqłutik niqiksaptingnik. Tuktu angunniartit tikitaraangata utqutigaangatjung, ilavut amaamavut anaanavut sannaiyakpaktuat. Tuktu sannayiamariksisuklugu niqhisaqput. Tadjva salumaqilraarani niqaulaittuq, salumayuq ami niqhi. Salumangniaraat avuguklugu, igaplugu, sannaiyamariksiplugu. Tunnunga uuyuqsaq.


Akuchivangniqtuat tadjva. Akuchivlutik akutuqsamik akutuqsaptingnik. Ilanni amaamaga uuktuqpangmiyaa ‘apple’. ‘Apple’ panniqtaq. Igalrarailugu akutaminun ilaliutiplugu aasiin. Tamatja nuttaarauplunga takumavagaraa, taimana sannaiyaiyuaq.



Tutqiumaniq Pitqursirput - Mimirlina
00:00 / 00:00


Food Wellness in our Ways

– akutuq


A long time ago, when my family cooked, they would prepare food for all of us. When the hunters came back with caribou, our families, our mothers and our grandmothers, they all shared the work preparing the food. Because they wanted to prepare the caribou properly for our food. So, the meat has to be cleaned, as it cannot be eaten unless it is prepared, although it is clean already. They cleaned it, cut it up, cooked it and prepared it properly. The fat is for cooking.


They mixed it that way. They mixed the akutuq that we were all going to eat. Sometimes my mom would try with an apple. A dried appel. She would cook it and mix it into the akutuq. That’s what I saw as a child growing up, as that was how it was done.

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